From the greek όρίζοντας ("which border"), from όρίζω (" to delimit") and όρος, -ου ("border").

Horizon - described by the images of Luigi Ghirri, Vittore Fossati, Alexander Gronsky, Kris Graves, Elger Esser, Andreas Gursky e Giulia Nascimbeni - meditates around the concept of skyline: a changeable limit according to the observer point of view, within which glance moves all around.

Skyline is a box built by natural and artificial elements where human structures and architectures create new environments without continuity limits with sorroundings area.

New visual spaces born where human presence is perceived just through human actions.

This volume is composed in Akzidenz Grotesk and printed on a unique paper fold out in 32 pages. Its soft black cover is protected by a lighter and white one with the title.
